Tag Archives: Dan Haren

Phillies Rumor Mill Vol 2.

22 Jul


As it appears right now there are other teams that are becoming a factor in the Phillies quest to land right hander Roy Oswalt.  Buster Olney reports that Oswalt would like the chance to pitch in St. Louis, and that preference may become a factor. He may even consider going to St. Louis without having his option picked up.  The difficulty for St. Louis is that their farm system is fairly depleted and Huston is not as impressed with their offer.  Philly is still talking with Huston, so it’s not entirely over for the Phillies.  Brad Lidge told Paul Hagen of the Philadelphia Daily News that he would call Oswalt, a former teammate, if it helps bring him to Philadelphia.  Ha!  Will that really do something?  Well, it’s at least a nice gesture.

Some reports have also surfaced that the Tampa Bay Rays and the Phillies have talked about B.J. Upton and Wade Davis.  Still more then likely the Phillies would like prospects.  The further they dig themselves into a hole the more and more likely they will be thinking about 2011 rather then 2010.

Philadelphia had scouts out to watch Dan Haren last night and reportedly so did some other teams.  Apparently the Yankees, Tigers, and Cards are also kicking Haren’s tires.

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